Re: cat flames >/dev/null

Thomas D. Nadeau (
Tue, 11 Oct 94 11:17:48 EDT

> > Sysops are held responsible for the data stored on their machines.
> > I do not want illegal copies of other peoples credit/access info
> > on my system for any length of time, even in the mail spool.
> I'm tired of this argument.  Do any of your machines receive news?
> Do any of your users receive internet mail?  There are just 2
> pathways for 'illegal' information to enter your systems.  There is
> no stopping it: even some sort of censoring scheme would require
> temporary spooling.
> There is an implied risk in connecting to the internet.  This is one of 
> them.  If you're not willing to accept this risk, unplug your routers.

>newsham> Everyone seems to forget that this list is hosted by Scott
>newsham> Chasin.  People should be grateful that he is providing this
>newsham> service and respectful of the decisions he makes.  If he
>newsham> changes the list into something you do not like work towards
>newsham> making a list that satisfies your needs.

		The list originally contained lots of good information
which addressed security holes in systems.  However, as of late I have
not received any interesting postings; rather, I have only received
lots of flames and noise.  As a recsult, I have unsubscribed from this
list and I recommend that all other participants do the same,
and subscribe to security lists with a higher information to
garbage ratio. 


\                                                                     \
/  Thomas D. Nadeau                            ========      ======== /
\  Internetworking Software                      =======   =========  \
/  Xyplex, Inc.                                   =======  ======     /
\  295 Foster Street,                             ========  ==        \
/  Littleton, MA 01460                       -------=======  -------  /  
\                                                  ========  ==       \
/  Voice:  (508) 952-4837                         =======  ======     /
\  FAX:    (508) 952-4887                       =======   =========   \
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